Heat Shrinkable Flat Braided Polyester Tapes

Typical shrinkage 10-11% at 325° F/1hr

High tenacity continuous filament braided polyester yarn. Western Filament’s DHS tape minimizes snagging, improves the insulation bond, and when coated will not frizz, fray or unravel.

Part Number Width Inches Thickness Inches Nominal Break Lbs. Standard Put-Up
DHS00 .500 .025 700 250 ft.
DHS0 .375 .020 410 250 yds.
DHS1 .225 .015 190 250 yds.
DHS2 .125 .010 100 250 yds.
DHS3 .080 .010 60 500 yds.
DHS4 .062 .010 45 500 yds.
DHSXT0 .250 .015 240 250 yds.
DHS170 .100 .030 190
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